
Some 44 million adults provide care for an older or chronically ill family member at home. Providing such care can be richly rewarding at times, yet considerably burdensome at others. Sometimes the stress on family caregivers can leave them feeling overwhelmed.

Caregivers may experience physical illness, 抑郁症, 悲伤, and changes in their own relationships as a result of the care they provide.Stepping Stones To 健康y Aging is a series designed to bring awareness to the emotional and health risks of older adults as well as the caregivers. Each of the topics includes background information, 互动讨论, hands-on activities and consumer handouts.

The following are brief descriptions and list of topics included in this series:

健康y Living For The Caregiver

  • 糖尿病:你有风险吗
  • The Risks of 药物 Interaction
  • Food Can Have An Effect On Your Medicines


  • Effective Techniques and Tools Used to Communicate With Older Adults
  • 帮助你的医生帮助你
  • 表达的感情

Stress Management: Preventing Stress Through Lifestyle Management

  • Are You Vulnerable To Stress
  • 有压力的迹象
  • Types of Stress and Effects on the Body As We Age
  • Ways To Cope in Stressful Situations


  • 应对技能
  • Signs and Symptoms of Depression
  • 悲伤的各个阶段
  • 笑是良药